Category: ‘Uncategorized’

Watch the Blanket Statements

People love to try to summarize everything into neat and tidy “Blanket Statements”. However agriculture, like many things in life, is complex enough that blanket statements rarely do the topic justice.  I was recently reminded of this on a couple of occasions. The first was an observation an associate of mine had when scouting soybeans. […]

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Sep, 04, 2017


Thoughts on Weather Delays

In most places in our trade territory we have been held out of doing much substantial work in the fields due to the cold wet conditions we’ve had up to this point.     The above chart from the University of MN WCROC does show that 2″ soil temps had been increasing some until the […]

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Apr, 27, 2017


Thank You to Everyone that attended our Customer Trip

Thank you from all of us at Lakeland Ag and Axis Seed for coming and making our Customer Weekend both informative and Fun.   We have received excellent feedback on Dr. Danny Kleinfelter’s talk. We were fortunate to get him in as a speaker and will try to provide similar speakers in the future.  The […]

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Feb, 24, 2017


The power of a Long Grain Fill period and moderate temps

One thing that became very apparent this harvest is that as long as you avoided a hail or drown out event that good yields were likely headed your way. In my opinion 2 somewhat related factors for the big yields are: Lack of Extreme heat. – Moderate Temperatures allowed many seeds to grow at a […]

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Oct, 27, 2016


Pollination thoughts

As we enter the main pollination window across almost the entire Lakeland Ag trade area, Mother Nature has the controls on most things that will dictate our final yields in 2016. Yet there are a few things that you can do to ensure this harvest is successful and a few that can help 2017 get […]

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Jul, 17, 2016


Springs like 2016 show the importance of a Saturated Cold Score

Many folks thought that April 15 was still too early to plant Corn in West Central MN, the soils were still cold. Yet, on April 15, 2016 when my family decided to start planting corn on our farm there were 3 reasons why I was OK with the decision. First, the soils were rapidly approaching […]

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Apr, 28, 2016


Shipping Season is upon us

We have began receiving this year’s seed production in December. Thus far production quality of the corn looks excellent. Both warm and cold germination scores are outstanding on nearly all hybrids and lot numbers. It really isn’t all that long until the planters roll. Now is a good time to re-evaluate and plan where you […]

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Jan, 31, 2016


Activists & Politics are slowing progress

There are a couple of exciting soybean technologies that have been working their way through the regulatory process the past few years. Monsanto’s RR2Xtend technology was close to becoming a reality in the marketplace a couple of years ago. However, another layer of regulatory review advocated by some environmental groups held up the release for […]

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Dec, 10, 2015