Activists & Politics are slowing progress
There are a couple of exciting soybean technologies that have been working their way through the regulatory process the past few years. Monsanto’s RR2Xtend technology was close to becoming a reality in the marketplace a couple of years ago. However, another layer of regulatory review advocated by some environmental groups held up the release for a period of time. More recently coveted approval from China has been halting sales. We were cautiously optimistic this tool would be available for 2016 planting. Yet another wrinkle has now emerged as the Chinese are now said to be looking at potentially purchasing one of the other technology providers in the marketplace. Therefore have decided to take a more “patient” approach with approving any new technologies in the short term.
Dow’s Enlist trait for soybeans has met a similar fate and recently the Enlist Duo herbicide platform was dealt a setback when it’s approval was revoked by the EPA. Environmental groups lobbied to have the approval reconsidered due to “new information” that was available about the combination of 2 products (glyphosate & 2,4D) that are the main components of Enlist Duo.
It is unfortunate that these tools are not available as we combat resistant weeds in the fields. However, this appears to be a harbinger of things to come as less and less or our society has a direct connection back to agriculture. Please consider learning more about ways you can get involved in telling agricultures story instead of having it told by others. There are many organizations doing things such as this. One that I belong to is the Farming Today program supported by Farm Bureau, MN Corn Growers, MN Soy, and others.